In a hyperreal combination of live action and animation, a musician navigates his daydreams in an epic and comedic struggle to release his first album.
Pop Meets the Void is a feature-length collaboration with director William Cusick and producer TaraFawn Maen, making extensive use of digital sets and animation to create the fluid, ever-shifting dream-space the protagonist inhabits. I designed and executed the visual effects for the film, including the keying and tracking work.
Take a look under the hood at my work on the award-winning film
Pop Meets the Void won the Best Feature Film award at the 2016 Lower East Side Film Festival, where it premiered, and went on to win the Audience Choice and Best of Fest awards at the 2016 Queens World Film Festival. It has been released by Filmbuff and is available for purchase and rental on Amazon (free streaming on Prime last I checked!), iTunes, Google Play and YouTube.